Savory Snack to Accompany Your Plan

New Year is identical to new resolutions, goals, or the dreams you want to reach. It could be about a job, school, family, etc. But, besides making a resolution list for the brand new year, you need to strategize to achieve your resolutions. One thing that can support you to achieve your resolution is being accompanied by Sukro from Dua Kelinci in your daily activity. So, what things could we do with Sukro?
Become Study Partner
Regardless of your resolutions, you need the persistence to learn even if it's in the school or the communities you join. To make your learning process fun and not boring, will be #JadiLebihSeru with Sukro. This snack could be a delicious and exciting study partner. You just need to pour to the bowl and you can just directly snack it while studying. Sukro is the perfect savory snack to help you achieve your new year resolutions.
Make Your Friend's Gathering Becomes Merrier
Besides studying hard, one of the ways to achieve your resolution is to broaden your horizon and networking. You need to see a lot of people, join communities, and gather with friends who have the same vision as you. Sukro from Dua Kelinci is able to help you make the gathering time with friends become merrier and more exciting. Savory snacks that could help you realize your new year's resolution is easily got in the nearest store.
Become Sharing Media
Besides those things above, this savory snack can help to realize your new year's resolution by becoming a sharing media. Don't forget to spare your time to have lunch with friends and bring Sukro. Enjoy this savory snack with your friends so it will be more exciting.
Sukro from Dua Kelinci is a perfect savory snack to realize your 2020 new year's resolution. Besides being a study partner, it's able to make your bond with friends tighter!