Celebrating the World Peace Day by Spreading the Kindness

Dua Kelinci buddy, do you know? World Peace Day is a big day waited by every nation across the world. The World Peace Day or also called by International Day of Peace is commemorated on 21st September that has been decided by the United Nations General Council since 1981.
So what is the purpose of this commemoration? Evidently, this World Peace Day aims to reconcile the conflicts that have been happening around the world such as the war between countries and the violence. Besides that, the purpose of this day is to reunite the countries around the world with peace. Some countries often hold a big event every World Peace Day because it will strengthen the ideas and hopes of peace around the world so there will be no conflict between countries or within a country.
World Peace Day this year is different from the last years. Why tho? This commemoration brings the "Forming Peace Together" theme to fight Covid-19. This theme can be celebrated by anyone to spread kindness and love during this Covid-19 pandemic. Besides that, The World Peace Day is also done and dedicated to the health workforces that have been fighting the Covid-19.
Do you know? Indonesia is a country that is chosen to make World Peace Gong. The purpose of this Peace Gong is as a symbol of peace for all the countries. It's an honor for Indonesia to be the place of the peace symbol. You can visit the peace gong in several regions in Indonesia such as Ambon, Bali, Palu, and Jepara. What do you think? Are you interested in taking pictures in Peace Gong?
Besides that, do you know when the first world peace day was held? In 1982, the World Peace Day was held for the first time by a lot of countries, political groups, societies, and militaries. In 2013, World Peace Day for the first time was made by the Secretary General United Nations for peace education and as a preventive means that aims to fight the continuous war.
Dua Kelinci buddy, you also need to remember the World Peace Day. Even if you are not always taking a big part in the political level like the government, we can also start it with the little things. You can share and spread the kindness to others, respect others, and spread positivities to keep peace in your neighborhood.